Turning south on Sherman off of Park Road, I noticed the Crain hovering over the horizon for the first time. As I got closer I realized that it was where the old parking lot for the Howard business school temp buildings used to be.

I’m dating myself but before Howard built the ‘new’ Bschool at Georgia and Fairmont, students used to trek on down Euclid to the old temp trailers for finance and accounting classes.
Now its 901 Barry Place and the Crain is transporting concrete framework that is about to finish the foundation work. CBG Building Company has safety signs in Spanish and English and as I got close to the foundation tower, I heard the supervisors shout orders in Spanish to the framers and carpenters finishing their shift before the sun set.

In the background I could see the Howard Place dorms to the south and the iconic steeple of Founders library to the east. Howard’s western front door is about to change and a mid-rise “SHAY” knockoff will bring a new wave of millennial and ‘She-She’ first floor boutiques to Barry Place.
© 2016 Malcolm Lewis Barnes content and photos.