Brian Culbertson kicked off his 50 city, 70 performance, 3 month long “COLORS OF LOVE” tour in Reading, PA as the opening act of the 10 day 28th Annual Berks Jazz Festival.

Paying tribute to his wife Michelle with a solo piece called ‘Michelle’s Theme’, he slowed his roll just long enough to play his baby Grande piano which he added for the first time on his 20 plus years of touring. His new CD has been #1 on Billboard for the last 4 weeks.

Brian also paid tribute to Maurice White with a ‘Been Around The World” theme featuring international themes on the jumbotrons.

One of the unique features of the “COLORS OF LOVE” tour is Brian’s uncredible integration of guest singers and entertainers such as Noel Goudine and Chase via JumboTron visits.

Even Sinbad joined the show as a comic setup for the FUNK segment, as he warmed up the audience to “Say FUNK with a Nasty Face. It’s like walking off a Roller Coaster on to a Merry Go Round”